The fastest way to get to Camotes Island is via Jomalia fastcraft from Mactan Cebu which takes an hour and 10 minutes, followed by Oceanjet fastcraft which takes an hour and 30 minutes.
Jomalia fastcraft from Mactan to Camotes Islands at Consuelo Port where the popular beach resorts are, while the Oceanjet lands at Poro Port, approximately 30minutes away.
Another option is to drive or ride a north-bound bus to Danao Port (1.5 – 2 hours north from Cebu City) and take the Jomalia ferry boat for another 2 hours going to the island. It can transport both passenger and vehicles.
Jomalia Shipping has everyday trips from Ormoc to Camotes Islands at Jagutapay Port which takes 2 hours. The ship will stop at the port of Pilar which is also part of Camotes Islands. It can transport both passenger and vehicles.
Camotes Ferry Services has everyday trips from Ormoc to Camotes Islands at Jagutapay Port which takes an hour and 30 minutes.

Rates and Schedules of Transportations click HERE.

No extra requirements needed to enter Camotes Island.

However, it is recommended: hepatitis A and B.
You should be vaccinated for the first time at least one month before leaving because you need to get another dose of the vaccine after one month.

The dry season is from January to late May: very hot – 30 to 38 degrees and relatively little rain. It gets a little cold at night but is still around 28 degrees.
Rainy period from June to December; slightly lower temperatures, much easier to live with, sometimes there are storms and rain, but mostly in the evening and at night.
The dry season may be subdivided further into the cool dry season, from December to February; and the hot dry season, from March to May.
The rainy season is not a problem here at all, as in some countries where it is monsoon and rains continuously. It is pouring in here, and in half an hour the sun is already shining.
The exception, of course, is when a typhoon crosses the Philippines and is called “low pressure”. It can of course be a lot more rain, but it almost never rains continuously for several days.

YES. Here is safe for the visitors of our island and of course most of the other islands, tourist places, sights and countryside.

NO, many of them do not even exist on the islands or do not work or are without money.
When withdrawing from ATM, you lose almost 7-10%; 240 pesos every withdraw, then another bank will take you, and you will lose because of the poor exchange rate every withdraw.
If you already need to withdraw money from an ATM, take the maximum amount – 10,000 pesos, because the ATM will take you 240 pesos each time you withdraw.

Take a look at Camotes Islands on this site.
These prices that we have written are valid on our island, if you go to a luxury hotel for dinner, but the bill will end up being the same as in Slovenia or even higher. Even if you get wine, wine is relatively expensive and you can only order a whole bottle at dinner. PRICES

YES and NO
Yes in 4, 5 star hotels in Cebu City, and of course in malls.
NO. Almost nowhere on the islands and in the province with the locals. Make sure you have cash.

Roads and consequently moped/motorcycle accidents because, at night, there are dogs everywhere, huge holes, and completely unlit engines – even with trailers – everywhere in the middle of the road. I would add here that most people do not have a driver’s license or have purchased it for a few hundred pesos and have no idea about road safety.
Sea urchins; it is not dangerous, but it is disgusting, a lot of them; some are very beautiful; Filipinos also eat them.
Corals, if you scratch at them when you swim in low water.
Strong sea current between islands. At high tide, the sea current is so strong that you can practically not swim against it, no matter how hard you try.

NO, no problem with showering, brushing your teeth and cooking.
I use bottled water to make my coffee and tea.